Grand Valley Coalition for the Homeless


  1. GJPD Community Resource Unit (Traveler's Aid Fund)

    (970) 549-5331

    555 Ute Avenue, Grand Junction, CO 81501

    Basic Criteria: Over 18 yrs. of age, one-way travel only, no open criminal cases, no active arrest warrants, travel to family, employment or treatment (will be confirmed), no other means to purchase ticket.

  2. Grand Valley Transit

    (970) 256-7433

    Public transportation. Visit website for information on routes and pricing.

  3. IntelliRide

    (970) 225-4850

    (855) 489-4999

    Non-Emergent Medicaid Transportation (NEMT)

  4. Med Lift

    (970) 314-9511


    Providing Non Emergent Transportation to Mesa County residents enrolled in Health First Colorado (Medicaid). Client Eligibility Requirements: Must be a current Health First Colorado member, approved for NEMT services, and not have any other means of transportation.

  5. Medride

    (970) 812-0003

    (970) 712-0703

    Fax: (719) 545-0499

    2764 Compass Drive, Suite 109, Grand Junction, CO 81506

    NEMT alternative to Sunshine Taxi. Contact the number above to get an application that rider’s provider must fill out. A medical provider at the Day Center can help with this. Application can be faxed or emailed.

  6. St. Matthew's Espiscopal Church

    (970) 257-9062

    Mon-Thu 9:00am-11:00am

    Transportation from Outreach Day Center on Thursdays.